Investment Funds
In deep partnerships with private wealth managers to tackle ultra high net-worth individuals’ tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities
Introduction to the Variable Capital Company ("VCC")
Against the backdrop of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and the introduction of legislations in respect of economic substance test in traditional offshore tax haven jurisdiction e.g. the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) and the the Cayman Islands, fund managers and ultra high net-worth investors would need to consider the long term compliance stability of using onshore fund structures.
More jurisdictions are also widening their definition of permanent establishment and source-based rules to bring within their purview additional revenue from cross-border interactions. As such, domiciling funds in a tax haven jurisdiction that does not have any tax treaty increases the risk of attribution of profit to every jurisdiction where activities are undertaken on behalf of the fund.
Further to the above events, with the launch of the VCC structure, there has been much interest from global investors and fund managers to in order to leverage on Singapore’s reputational advantages as an onshore fund domicile, robust financial services industry and Double Tax Agreements (“DTA”) network.
The key features of a VCC are the ability to offer a flexible capital structure, efficient upstream of cash, access to Singapore’s tax treaty network, and the allowance for the creation of sub-funds within an umbrella structure. The umbrella structure allows ringfencing of the assets, liabilities and risks associated with the assets held by each sub-fund and its obligations with respect to investors within the sub-fund. The VCC framework facilitates the domiciliation of investment funds in Singapore across open-ended and close-ended funds, catering to the needs of both traditional and alternative fund managers. Besides the incorporation of new investment funds, the VCC framework also allows fund managers to redomicile existing overseas investment funds with structures comparable to that of a VCC, by transferring their registrations to Singapore as VCCs.
How we can help
Our fund advisory team consists of professionals with extensive experience and problem-solving capabilities who can support you at every step of the way to launch your fund in Singapore effectively. We tend to deliver our fund formation support in a curated approach together with our Private Client & Family Office services. Please note that where other regulated service is required, we are able to work in an integrated arrangement with external financial services and legal partners within the TAC network.
Fund Services
- VCC and/or sub-fund registration
- Corporate structuring & advisory
- Regulatory and compliance advisory
- Corporate secretarial
- Accounting and tax compliance
- CRS and FATCA advisory and compliance
- Custodian bank account opening

Frequently Asked Questions
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Committed to creating value
Singapore has various attractive factors to be considered as an ideal jurisdiction for a private investment company or family office including a stable political environment and well-established financial hub with a strong regulatory framework. High net-worth families also view Singapore as a relatively safe and conducive place to live in as well as a regional headquarter that can act as a control tower to manage and direct their regional business activities especially in Southeast Asia.
Our Partners has been equipped with vast experiences in the formation, administration of family offices as well as application for tax incentive schemes under Section 13O and 13U of Singapore Income Tax Act to assist in the setting up and navigating multiple objectives of high net-worth families in the establishment of their family offices.

Driving Change And Success through Tailored Solutions.